About Me
Gabriella Kortsch, Ph.D. (Psychology) is the author of the bestselling Rewiring the Soul (2011), The Tao of Spiritual Partnership (2012), and The Power of Your Heart: Loving the Self (2013). She works in private practice with an international clientele in southern Spain using an integral focus on body, mind and soul. Also an international speaker and radio broadcaster, she teaches workshops, posts on her blogs, and publishes a monthly newsletter in English and Spanish. She has three sons.
About Me
Gabriella Kortsch, Ph.D. (Psychology) is the author of the bestselling Rewiring the Soul (2011), The Tao of Spiritual Partnership (2012), and The Power of Your Heart: Loving the Self (2013). She works in private practice with an international clientele in southern Spain using an integral focus on body, mind and soul. Also an international speaker and radio broadcaster, she teaches workshops, posts on her blogs, and publishes a monthly newsletter in English and Spanish. She has three sons.
Rewriting the Soul

Ask anyone, whatever their circumstances, if their life is vibrant, fulfilling, harmonious and happy. An honest reply is likely to be ‘no’, because to answer a truthful ‘yes’ is no mean feat. Only to grow psychologically and emotionally is not enough. And only to grow spiritually is not enough either. All three dimensions need to be developed in order to realize your full potential. If you are willing to assume total responsibility for the self and to start what is an on-going journey, you will quickly begin to glimpse the first fruits of the ultimate goal: inner well-being, freedom, peace, harmony and joy. This book sets out the pathway to self-mastery and self-discovery and walking that pathway will be the most exciting adventure of your life.
Rewiring the Soul provides a user-friendly roadmap for personal transformation. Using conversational style, it guides the reader to an understanding of those problems and how they can be resolved, deliberately including the reader’s connection to his own soul and spiritual growth. Based on common sense and the author’s work as an integral psychotherapist as well as lessons gleaned from teaching and personal experiences, all interwoven with current findings from neuroscience, positive psychology, quantum physics and Buddhism, Rewiring the Soul signposts the path to resolving everyday life and its problems while converging with the inner quest for connection with the soul. This process allows life to take on a revolutionary new meaning: resolving personal and interpersonal issues while keeping the inner connection to the soul in mind leads to unprecedented growth that is simply not possible if psycho-emotional matters and spiritual concerns are not combined.
“The masterwork of a profoundly gifted healer of the soul. Dazzling, challenging, wondrously useful.” Peggy Rubin, Director, Center for Sacred Theatre, Ashland, Oregon; author of To Be and How To Be, Transforming Your Life Through Sacred Theatre
“A revelation of insight into the foundations of human suffering and transcendence. It not only lays out the essential steps for inner freedom and joy but it also illuminates the way to true human potential. Gabriella Kortsch is a spiritual master for our time.” Paul Rademacher, Executive Director, The Monroe Institute; author of A Spiritual Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe
“Rewiring the Soul is one the best introductions to the spiritual life I’ve ever read. Not esoteric but real-world & practical. The implications are profound.” Peter Shepherd; Founder Trans4mind.com; author of Daring To Be Yourself
Fragen Sie eine beliebige Person, ungeachtet ihrer Lebensumstände, ob sie ein dynamisches, erfüllendes, harmonisches und glückliches Leben führt. Eine aufrichtige Antwort lautet oft ‘nein’, denn diese Frage ehrlich mit ‘ja’ beantworten zu können ist keine Kleinigkeit. Allein psychologisches und emotionales Wachstum genügen nicht. Auch spirituelles Wachstum allein reicht nicht aus. Um Ihr volles Potential zu entfalten, müssen Sie alle drei Dimensionen gleichermaßen entwickeln. Wenn Sie bereit sind, die komplette Verantwortung für Ihr Selbst zu übernehmen, und aufzubrechen zu dieser lebenslangen Reise, werden Sie schon bald einen Vorgeschmack dessen finden, wonach Sie streben: Inneres Wohlbefinden, Freiheit, Frieden, Harmonie und Glück. Dieses Buch wird Ihnen einen Weg aufzeigen, auf dem Sie sich selbst erfahren und sich selbst zu meistern lernen werden – einen Weg, dessen Beschreitung das aufregendste Abenteuer Ihres Lebens sein wird.
Erste Rezensionen von Deine Seele und Du
„Deine Seele und Du ist eine Offenbarung an Einsichten in die Grundlagen des Leids & der Transzendenz des Menschen. Es legt nicht nur wichtige Schritte hin zu innerer Freiheit & Freude dar, sondern erhellt auch den Weg zum wahren Potential eines jeden Menschen. Dr. Kortsch ist eine spirituelle Meisterin unserer Zeit.‟ Paul Rademacher, Leiter des The Monroe Institute; Autor: A Spiritual Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe
„Das Meisterwerk einer hoch talentierten Seelenheilerin. Bezaubernd, herausfordernd, wunderbar nützlich.‟ Peggy Rubin, Direktorin des Zentrums für Heiliges Theater, Ashland, Oregon; Autorin: To Be and How To Be, Transforming Your Life Through Sacred Theatre
„Die Anleitung zu einer Wiedervereinigung mit der Seele. Ein tiefgehender Führer zum Leben, zur Liebe, zu spiritueller Entwicklung & zum Finden unseres Platzes im Universum.‟ Michael Habernig & April Hannah; Produzenten: The Path – The Afterlife & The Path 11 Documentaries
„Deine Seeleund Du ist eine der besten Einführungen zum spirituellen Leben, die ich je gelesen habe. Nicht esoterisch, sondern in der Realität verankert & praktisch. Es hat tiefschürfende Implikationen.‟ Peter Shephard; Gründer Trans4mind.com; Autor: Daring To Be Yourself
„Der Wegweiser zur Seele. Ein Durchbruch für jene, die praktische Hilfe suchen, für jene, die der Mystik zugewandt sind & für jede Seele, die auf ihre Entdeckung wartet.‟ Dr. Toni Petrinovich; Autorin: The Call: Awakening the Angelic Human
Pregúntale a cualquier persona, sean cuales sean sus circunstancias, si su vida es intensa, plena y armoniosa. Es probable que esa persona, siendo franca, te conteste que «no», porque responder «sí» con sinceridad no es nada fácil. Crecer solo psicológicamente y emocionalmente no es suficiente, y tampoco basta con crecer solo espiritualmente. Para que puedas realizar todo tu potencial tienen que desarrollarse las tres dimensiones. Si estás dispuesto a hacerte totalmente responsable de ti mismo y a comenzar lo que es un viaje continuo, pronto empezarás a vislumbrar los primeros frutos del objetivo final: el bienestar interior, la libertad, la paz, la armonía y la alegría. Este libro presenta la senda hacia el dominio de uno mismo y hacia el autodescubrimiento, y caminar por esa senda será la aventura más emocionante de tu vida.
Reseñas de la versión original de Reconectar con el Alma «Rewiring the Soul»
«La obra maestra de una sanadora del alma con talento profundo. Empezar a vivir cualquiera de sus ideas, principios y sugerencias, transformará tu vida. Deslumbrante, desafiante y extraordinariamente útil». Peggy Rubin, directora del Center for Sacred Theatre en Ashland, Oregon (EE.UU.) y autora de To Be and How To Be, Transforming Your Life Through Sacred Theatre
«Una revelación de análisis profundo de los fundamentos del sufrimiento humano y la transcendencia. Presenta los pasos esenciales hacia la libertad y alegría interior y arroja luz sobre el camino hacia el verdadero potencial humano. Una maestra espiritual para nuestro tiempo». Paul Rademacher, director ejecutivo de The Monroe Institute y autor de A Spiritual Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe
«El manual de instrucciones de la reconexión con el alma. Una guía exhaustiva sobre la vida, el amor, la evolución espiritual y nuestra integración en el interior del universo». Michael Habernig y April Hannah, productores de los documentales The Path, The Afterlife y The Path II
«Rewiring the Soul es una de las mejores introducciones a la vida espiritual que jamás he leído. No es esotérico, sino práctico y del mundo real. Sus repercusiones son profundas». Peter Shepherd, fundador de Trans4mind.com y autor de Daring To Be Yourself
«La guía para el alma del ser humano. Un gran avance para quienes buscan ayuda práctica, para quienes tienen una inclinación más mística y para toda alma a la espera del descubrimiento». Dr. Toni Petrinovich, autora de The Call: Awakening the Angelic Human
The Tao of Spiritual Partnership

It is precisely at the problematic crossroads so often encountered in relationships that we are offered the opportunity to create a new foundation based on mutual complementarity rather than need; a free relationship between two people who want to be together, rather than two people who need to be together. Needing another, we are told, is the measure of love, but for a fully conscious individual nothing could be further from the truth. And therein lies part of the secret and healing power of spiritual partnerships.
This ground-breaking book addresses:
• relationship patterns that hold you back from a truly fulfilled life
• the strong connection between sexuality and spiritual partnership
• communication leading to true connection & lasting transformation of your relationship
“All humans seek the illusive touch of another’s Soul, which opens us to the sense of belonging to something bigger than the self. Dr. Kortsch has given us the true “tao” of relationship in this brilliant exploration of emotional tapestry. We will be grateful for this illumination of spiritual partnership for generations to come.” Chris Griscom: Spiritual Leader, Author (among others) of Ecstasy is a New Frequency
“Eloquently and comprehensive, showing how your primary love relationship may be a sacred vessel that transports you and your partner to a place of mutual healing and expansion.”
Robert Schwartz: Author of Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born
“The Tao of Spiritual Partnership is a unique blend of wit and wisdom; Dr. Kortsch encourages us to take responsibility for our relationships, while recognizing and seizing the opportunities for our own personal spiritual growth.” William Buhlman, Author of Adventures Beyond the Body
The Power of Your Heart

Not loving the self, or simply not knowing about the importance of loving the self, or never having learned to love the self results in some of the most profound pain a human being can experience. You may believe that the pain of loss, abuse, abandonment, or disloyalty is the deepest pain, and in some sense you are right. But it is precisely by not loving the self, or not knowing how to love the self, that the other kinds of pain manage to get an iron grip on our hearts, because if we did love the self, or if we knew how to love the self, we would be able to care for the self in such a way that those other kinds of pain would be much less overwhelming.
This book offers the promise that it is possible to learn how to love yourself (and more significantly, shows you how), and as you begin, even with your very first steps, you will become aware of changes in your daily existence that already serve to create a better life. As you continue on this path of self-love, every segment of your life becomes transformed in step to your own growth. Loving the self brings inner freedom, joy, harmony, and peace. Above all it allows you to connect to your own inner divinity and to know you will never again be alone.
“A profound and authentic way of living and being that heals the soul. By clearly distinguishing her love-based concept of self-love from the fear-based ones of narcissism, egotism, and neediness, Dr. Kortsch provides a guide that puts you on a path of peace, satisfaction, contentment, and happiness.” Thomas Campbell; author of My Big TOE
“The Power of Your Heart is a book to satisfy the soul’s hunger and deserves to be read by every adult, parent, teacher and adolescent. It assures us that it is not just permissible, but essential, to love ourselves, undoing the conditioning that has kept us in a state of unworthiness and self-doubt, and sets us on the path to emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth. Love of self is a prerequisite to love of others and love is the foundation on which we are building a new world of compassion, joy and good will.” Linda Stitt, Author of Acting My Age
“From childhood we are taught to mercilessly nitpick our essential being in pursuit of a mythical perfection. With deep insight and impeccable clarity, Dr. Gabriella Kortsch turns the tables to illuminate the liberation possible when loving ourselves unconditionally. In so doing, she provides a road map to undiscovered bliss and wholeness. A must-read for anyone on the path to self-understanding!” Paul Rademacher, Author of A Spiritual Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe: Travel Tips for the Spiritually Perplexed
“This book explains the vital importance of loving yourself and why that is not in the least bit selfish. If there is a lot of love inside you, then you have more to share, in fact, it becomes a bottomless well. With love in your heart, your choices will be based on understanding, compassion and empathy. An inspiring read!” Peter Shepherd; Founder Trans4mind.com; author of Daring To Be Yourself
Emotional Unavailability and Neediness

Neediness and emotional unavailability are two sides of the same coin because both are based on a lack of self love, a fear of love and the hurt that love can engender due to the vulnerability that being in love generally evokes. A person may live out one side of the coin (neediness) in several relationships and then – in a new relationship – may find him or herself living out the other side of the coin (emotional unavailability).
Emotional unavailability and neediness do not tend to be deliberate because there is never anything consciously deliberate about the way a defense mechanism arises in childhood. A man who refuses to commit should not blithely be judged as being manipulative or callous although on the surface he may very well appear to be so. Furthermore, the older he gets, the more of a history of this nature he acquires, and hence the more those who sit in judgement reach the conclusion that they are right. The same could, of course, be said about the emotionally unavailable woman. Another case in point: a woman whose neediness may appear as emotionally manipulative, generally also does not behave this way in a deliberate fashion. And again, the same could be said about the needy man.
This book dissects the causes of these defense mechanisms, paving the road – for those who wish to change the inner landscape of their emotional constraints – to live and be able to love more freely.
“The masterwork of a profoundly gifted healer of the soul. Dazzling, challenging, wondrously useful.” Peggy Rubin, Director, Center for Sacred Theatre, Ashland, Oregon; author of To Be and How To Be, Transforming Your Life Through Sacred Theatre
“A revelation of insight into the foundations of human suffering and transcendence. It not only lays out the essential steps for inner freedom and joy but it also illuminates the way to true human potential. Gabriella Kortsch is a spiritual master for our time.” Paul Rademacher, Executive Director, The Monroe Institute; author of A Spiritual Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe
“Rewiring the Soul is one the best introductions to the spiritual life I’ve ever read. Not esoteric but real-world & practical. The implications are profound.” Peter Shepherd; Founder Trans4mind.com; author of Daring To Be Yourself
- Relationship Coaching
- Boundaries
- Communication
- Emotional Unavailability & Neediness
- Relationship Patterns
- Developing the Spiritual Partnership
- Integral (body, mind & soul) Psychotherapy
- Self-Love
- Childhood Issues
- Letting go of the past & forgiving
- What is your body telling you?
- Connecting more deeply with your soul
- Life Coaching
- Is your work your passion?
- Is this all there is?
- Do I still have time to change?
- Mindfulness Work
- Becoming more present
- Finding inner peace
- Compassion
- Family Coaching
- Family coaching generally begins once you have had a session or two, and together we have been able to establish how to best move forward in order to resolve the pertinent issues together with your family
You may have come to this page because you’ve read one of my books. Or perhaps someone told you about me. Maybe you read one of my blog posts, or a friend forwarded my monthly newsletter article to you. Perhaps you listened to me on an archived radio show. Or maybe you simply found me with a web search.
And now you’re here. Considering. Thinking. Booking an online session can be fraught with many questions and doubts.
If you are already somewhat familiar with me and my work, perhaps you will decide to simply go ahead and book. If I’m more of a stranger to you, you might like to visit one of my blogs, my website, or sign up for my newsletter. Getting a copy of one of my books is another alternative.
My promise to you is this: Moving forward in life from a difficult, challenging, or problematic situation – whether it’s how you are thinking or feeling about something, or how a relationship is unraveling, or the fact that you want to change a core component in your inner or outer life – can always happen, if you want it. I will support you in that process. I will bring my accumulated learning & knowledge, skills, and life experience to the table for you. Compassion, understanding and a total lack of judgement form an integral part of that process. And together we can move forward. I also promise you that I will encourage you to develop your own wings very quickly.
Sessions are one hour (60 minutes) long.
Fees: €110 (Euros) per session (click for currency calculator), or €440 for a package of five sessions as long as the five sessions are held within a period of three months. The package of five can be acquired in two ways:
- Pay €440 at the time of booking
- Pay €110 per session for the first four sessions and nothing for the fifth
- NOTE: the package may only be repeated once
All Skype sessions must be pre-paid by bank transfer, Paypal, or Revolut. If you need to cancel, and in order to avoid cancellation fees, please do so in writing three working days prior to your scheduled appointment.
Book Session: Please contact me here to book a session: [email protected]. Let me know your time zone as well as what times/days tend to work for you. I am in CET (Central European Time Zone, click here for time converter), which means the same time as Paris/Geneva/Madrid, or one hour ahead of London, or six hours ahead of NYC, or nine hours ahead of Los Angeles. Once that is done, and we’ve agreed on a time and date, and in order to confirm the session, please click below to pay via PayPal or credit card via PayPal (you do not need a PayPal account to do this). If you choose to pay via electronic bank transfer, you will be supplied with my account information.
Sie sind vielleicht auf diese Seite gekommen, weil Sie eines oder das andere meiner Bücher gelesen haben. Oder vielleicht hat Ihnen jemand von mir erzählt. Vielleicht haben Sie einen meiner Blog-Beiträge gelesen oder ein Freund hat meinen monatlichen Newsletter Artikel an Sie weitergeleitet. Vielleicht haben Sie mir bei einer archivierten Radio-Show zugehört. Oder vielleicht haben Sie mich einfach bei einer Web-Suche gefunden.
Und jetzt sind Sie hier. Sie überlegen. Denken nach. Eine Online-Sitzung zu buchen kann mit vielen Fragen und Zweifeln behaftet sein.
Wenn Sie bereits mit mir und meiner Arbeit ein wenig vertraut sind, werden Sie sich vielleicht entscheiden, einfach weiterzugehen und zu buchen. Wenn ich für Sie mehr wie eine Fremde bin, können Sie gerne einen meiner Blogs oder meine Webseite besuchen, oder sich für meinen Newsletter anmelden. Eine Kopie eines meiner Bücher zu bestellen ist eine weitere Alternative.
Mein Versprechen an Sie ist: Von einer schwierigen, anspruchsvollen oder problematischen Situation im Leben nach vorne zu kommen – ob es damit zu tun hat, wie Sie über etwas denken oder fühlen oder wie sich eine Beziehung negativ entfaltet oder die Tatsache, dass Sie eine Kernkomponente in Ihrem inneren oder äußeren Leben ändern wollen – kann immer geschehen, wenn Sie es wollen. Ich werde Sie in diesem Prozess unterstützen. Ich werde mein akkumuliertes Lernen & Wissen, Fähigkeiten und Lebenserfahrung für Sie mit an den Tisch bringen. Mitgefühl, Verständnis und ein völliges Auslassen an Verurteilung bilden ein integraler Bestandteil dieses Prozesses. Gemeinsam können wir uns nach vorne bewegen. Ich verspreche Ihnen auch, dass ich Sie ermutigen werde, sehr schnell Ihre eigenen Flügel zu entwickeln.
Sitzungen sind eine Stunde (60 Minuten) lang.
Honorare: €110 (Euros) pro Sitzung (Link zum Währungsrechner), oder €440 für ein Pauschalangebot von fünf Sitzungen, solange die fünf Sitzungen innerhalb eines Zeitraums von drei Monaten stattfinden. Das Angebot mit fünf kann auf zwei Arten erworben werden:
- Bezahlen Sie €440 zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung
- Bezahlen Sie €110 pro Sitzung für die ersten vier Sitzungen und nichts für die fünfte
Alle Skype-Sitzungen müssen per Paypal oder Banküberweisung im Voraus bezahlt werden. Wenn Sie stornieren müssen und um Stornogebühren zu vermeiden, tun Sie dies bitte schriftlich drei Werktage vor dem geplanten Termin.
SITZUNG BUCHEN: Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich hier, um eine Sitzung zu buchen: [email protected]. Am Besten teilen Sie mir Ihre Zeitzone mit, ebenso wie welche Zeiten und Tage normalerweise gut für Sie passen. Ich befinde mich in der MEZ (Mitteleuropäische Zeitzone), welche die gleiche Zeit wie Paris / Genf / Madrid hat, oder eine Stunde nach London liegt, oder sechs Stunden nach NYC oder neun Stunden nach Los Angeles). Hier finden Sie einen Zeitzonenrechner. Sobald dies geschehen ist und wir uns auf eine Zeit und ein Datum geeinigt haben und um die Sitzung zu bestätigen, klicken Sie bitte unten, um über PayPal oder Kreditkarte über PayPal zu bezahlen (Sie brauchen kein PayPal-Konto, um dies zu tun). Wenn Sie per elektronische Banküberweisung bezahlen möchten, werden Sie meine Kontodetails erhalten.
Has llegado a esta página porque has leído uno de mis libros. O quizás alguien te ha hablado de mí. Tal vez hayas leído un post en mis blogs, o un amigo te ha reenviado mi boletín mensual. Quizás me has escuchado en un archivo de un programa de radio. O puede que me hayas encontrado por una búsqueda en el internet.
Y ahora te encuentras aquí. Considerando. Pensando. Concertando una cita en el internet puede llenarte de un sinfín de preguntas y dudas.
Si ya te encuentras algo familiarizado conmigo y mi trabajo, quizás te decidas a proceder a concertar la cita. Si no me conoces, tal vez quieras visitar mi blog en español, mi portal, o suscribirte a mi boletín mensual. Otra alternativa sería leer uno de mis libros.
La promesa que te hago es la siguiente: Avanzando en la vida desde una situación difícil, llena de retos o problemática – sea porque se deba a lo que piensas o sientes sobre algo, o por la manera en que se esté desenmarañando una relación, o el hecho de que quisieras cambiar un componente fundamental de tu vida interna o externa – siempre se puede hacer, si tú lo deseas. Te apoyaré en ese proceso. Aportaré el cúmulo de mi conocimiento y aprendizaje, así como mi experiencia de vida. La compasión, el entendimiento y una falta total de juicio formarán una parte integral de dicho proceso. Y juntos podemos avanzar. También te prometo que te incentivaré a desarrollar tus propias alas muy rápidamente.
Sesiones duran una hora (60 minutos).
Honorarios: €110 (Euros) por sesión (aquí puedes convertir a tu propia divisa), o €440 por un paquete de cinco sesiones siempre y cuando las cinco sesiones tomen lugar durante un período de tres meses. El paquete de cinco se puede adquirir de dos maneras:
- Paga €440 concertar la primera cita
- Paga €110 por sesión por cada una de las primeras cuatro sesiones y nada por la quinta
Todas las sesiones por Skype requieren pre-pago por transferencia bancaria o Paypal. Si necesitas cancelar una cita, y para evitar gastos de cancelación, te ruego hacerlo por escrito un mínimo de tres días antes de la cita concertada.
Concertar una Cita: Contáctame aquí para concertar una cita: [email protected]. Déjame saber también tu huso horario, así como los días de semana y horarios que te van bien. Yo me encuentro en UTC/CET (Zona Central Europea – aquí puedes convertir a tu huso horario), que significa que tengo el mismo horario que Paris/Ginebra/Madrid, o una hora adelantada a Londres, o seis horas adelantadas a Nueva York, o nueve horas adelantadas a Los Ángeles. Al recibir mi contestación y estar de acuerdo con la cita, para confirmar la sesión, haz clic abajo para pagar vía Paypal o tarjeta de crédito vía Paypal (no hace falta tener una cuenta en Paypal para hacer esto). Si prefieres hacer una transferencia bancaria electrónica, te mandaré mis datos.
Single Session
€440 (valid twice only)
Five Session Package
Five Session Booking